By South Korean Artisit, Minjae Lee
I was never good with math. In fact, I hate it. Funny how we respect things that add no meaning to our existence, creativity or to our sense of humanity. I've seen many apply a similar formula but end up negating their true properties.
Please don't misinterpret me; I'm not condoning self-improvement-I'm all for the hustle. This stems from a girl who barefaced said to me "I don't respect a man who wears a $300 jacket, why isn't at least 700... if he wants me, he better get me a pair of Louboutin's." Flabbergasted by this-I wasn't seeking such vulgar information-I now write my thoughts.
Lets change up the equation for contemplation purposes: we seek those who in face of superficiality can excavate light within. Despite being taught to value numerical properties can treasure the simplest forms, and despite conventional perceptions of vulgarity are always true. Maybe you like dancing on tables topless-maybe you're a wild thing- or perhaps you never leave your house without pepperspray; whatever the case may be, always have your self-love reign and never get stained by the lust we have fostered for vulgar things.
ps: I really want these
Note: If you need a book suggestion, read Muriel Barbery's The Elegance of the Hedgehog. Maybe we can start a book club. seriously. :)