
I always went to summer school bc of math

By South Korean Artisit, Minjae Lee

I read today that an aristocrat is a woman who is never sullied by vulgarity, although she maybe surrounded by it . This pierced my thought process. Often enough we value things for its material substance and consider it the paragon of what we desire. Its been embedded like a formula into our minds: (money+social status = power) factor in connections and you dervive the root of social utopia. Multiple that with beauty and your π will de desired by all.

I was never good with math. In fact, I hate it. Funny how we respect things that add no meaning to our existence, creativity or to our sense of humanity. I've seen many apply a similar formula but end up negating their true properties. 

Please don't misinterpret me; I'm not condoning self-improvement-I'm all for the hustle. This stems from a girl who barefaced said to me "I don't respect a man who wears a $300 jacket, why isn't at least 700... if he wants me, he better get me a pair of Louboutin's." Flabbergasted by this-I wasn't seeking such vulgar information-I now write my thoughts.  

 Lets change up the equation for contemplation purposes: we seek those who in face of superficiality can excavate light within. Despite being taught to value numerical properties can treasure the simplest forms, and despite conventional perceptions of vulgarity are always true. Maybe you like dancing on tables topless-maybe you're a wild thing- or perhaps you never leave your house without pepperspray; whatever the case may be, always have your self-love reign and never get stained by the lust we have fostered for vulgar things.

ps: I really want these

Note: If you need a book suggestion, read Muriel Barbery's The Elegance of the Hedgehog. Maybe we can start a book club. seriously. :) 



Strolling down Elizabeth St. in NYC I encountered this character. I'm sorry but I couldn't resist. I had to take a shot. Not just for my personal entertainment (I would be lying if I said I'm not thoroughly amused) but because I thought of you all. I figured you're entitled to share your thoughts on these comical instances.

Here are mine: Nude and lavender are the colours this season. However, in this case I think the look got lost in translation. That said, an outfit like this must bring about some kind of outcome. I think she might have gotten lucky.Kudos to her for not giving (and having) a rats-ass.


Moment of truth...

Last night I experienced an intense moment of honesty. My most beautiful friend (literally and figuratively speaking) had to tell  me something that would affect me. I think he was most concerened about how I would swallow all the shaddiness. Shocked I was. All I can say is that identity crisis's after the age of 28 are just chessy; especially if you involve other people. How else do you accessorize your naked truth of being?

As I sat down to write, I thought I would share more of the shaddiness. But as my fingers type, all I really want to share is how lucky I am to have a friend who is true to himself and true to our friendship.

He has been with me through thick and thin (too thick and too many sticky situations have you help me overcome). Our laughs, dances, moves, tears, complicated situations and even our obsessive compulsive marathons of Intervention watching, have made me fall in love with you in a way that I can only hope you grasp.

Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. ~ Mother Teresa

You are genuine, you are extraordinary and I will never get tired of loving you.


Tell the truth

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh- Friedrich Nietzsche

Assume hypothetically you lost your voice. For some unthinkable but powerful reason you lost this conventional form of expression. Then what? What do you resort to? How do you communicate what you feel: how badly your heart hurts, how crazy that makes you, how beautifully that feeling elevates you, how lost or how present your mind is?

Would this force you to get creative and explore all your faculties? or would you resign your privelge of expression and let your imagination run dry in the face of despot circumstances?

They say actions speak truth and happiness is the way to be. Always let those you love, know how much you do. Always keep true to yourself and love what you do. Anything can come to fruition if you want it be.


Oh, the places I'll go...

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.
Oh, the Places You'll Go!
-Dr. Seus

There are people, places and patterns you encounter in life that are catalyst for change. They say your 20's is a time for self-discovery and change, I agree.

My trip to NYC has been nothing short of amazing. Being here resulted in a shift in my state of mind. Perhaps I sound like the rest of the world when they say New York has that "je ne sais quoi" that makes you MOVE.

Its true. Many factors push you to act quick and go: the sea of cars, waves of people, the homeless chasing after you or the homeboy yelling "yo shorty" three blocks down Fashion Ave. But there is also an energy so strong you can't help but abid and adapt to its fast yet fluid force.

Colors everywhere: on walls, cars, people, streets and all of a sudden in you. A tension pulls you towards the place you want to be. I found that spot and I'm going.

Where are you going?


Just watch

The Making of the 2010 Pirelli Calendar by Terry Richardson from Rafael Rubira fashion4fun.com.br on Vimeo.

He needs no introduction (in case you don't know Terry Richardson, SHAME ON YOU-to the corner). Needed some sexy up in this place.

Me Like

A is for absolutely astonished and in awe for
Being in a state of
Consciousness that
Does not
Exemplify or
Follow my
In fact,
Jess usually
Looking the other way.
Mainly because
Presents a Pier
Quite like this.
Realizing that I want to
Step on despite the
Tides; Turns Things
Upside down.
Zen things out.

Now you know my ABC,
won't you give me a peanut butter cookie while in NYC?
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