
Positively Defining

Complete conviction: a rare occurance, but when it occurs, you know. Lately, I have had about two of these feelings. One of which will not be shared until there is a confirmation, the second I will disclose.

On the weekend I went to New York with my beautiful friends. We had a blast. Obviii, its NYC. What is it about that town (loose term) that captivates you entirely? Not sure, but what I am sure of is that I got to make my way down there.

Our trip was amazing. Not only because my friends are the best and NYC is the best playground, but because it defied so many elements. Can't really get into all the elements that we transgressed; might get myself in a wheee bit of trouble (insert giggle). My girl said "I won't be able to explain to my friends about this trip. How would I start?" Oh D, so true, so true.

What can be said is the conviction of knowing who you are, what you want and how you are going to go about getting it. The three of us at one point realized the importance of invoking our passions and desires. Telling the universe what is yours and finding your entitled place amoungst this crazy place.

theme song? maybe.


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