

Nothing says "get well soon" better than a pair of beautiful shoes. After a terrible week of being sick and losing my voice, I got my mojo back. Thank you.

Note: Careful if you come near my orbit. Its my glass slipper.

Shhhh..listen carefully

These last few months have taught me to always listen carefully to my surroundings. Not just to the things that are said, but especially the things that are not. People will manifest what they want you to extract from them. Sometimes what you discover is blissful, other times it hurts to know the truth (ego hit).

 In this case, I can't stop listening. Love you Leo.

El himno - Leo Sonoro by Leo Sonoro


Lions-and-Monkeys-and-Bears Oh MY!

As you know, I love fantasies and I am a dreamer. As I write, I feel as tho I am waking up. Let me tell you my dream, so I never forget it...

There are these animals. All kinds of them. I am one too. It's a very green and lush place. At first, predictability regins but then we are creatures that know no jungle rules. We play despite what mother nature normally allows. We speak words that can never be spoken and act outside our normal habitat; Taboo's don't belong here.

In my dream, we can do anything and you are exactly what you should be. What's your dream?

I'm going back to bed now. Would like to go back there...


Let Loose

Billy Nasty & Lucidhouse part 2 from lucidhouse on Vimeo.

I am not a fan of people constantly trying to be too real. I understand being true to you, but then there are those who are so one-dimensional it makes me want to cry. Real life vs. fantasy; why does there have to be such a distinct separation. Why can't it mesh?

It seems to be hard for some to incorporate a mix into their lives. Speaking to someone who is completely opposed/closed to this possibility (or should I say reality) is evident. They tend to be boring and a tad pessimistic. Unable to live with a little fantasy eliminates the opportunity for a new dialogue, a new experience, a new optical to view the world. In my experience, allowing fantasies and my imagination to splatter over this tangible world gives me new stamina.

"But it’s not real Jess?"

What makes something real? Tangibility? I say you have the ability to make a lot of things real or non-existent if you really want to. Don't invalidate something because it’s in your imagination or subconscious. Rather explore it and find a way for it to become part of your expression of being.

Note: thank you to my beautiful friend and very imaginative., Leo who always gives me a beat to let loose to.


Farandula Criolla

(For all my bilingual readers...enjoy)
Reflujo acido cada vez que el reloj marca hora del noticiero. Aclaremos antes de empezar, esto no es un ataque contra las presentadoras, o bueno, quizas si.

En mi humilde opinion, es inaceptable que un segmento a nivel nacional e internacional se atreva a exibihir semejante burradas. La verdad no encuentro una mejor palabra para describir las desatinadas elecciones de las presentatdoras. Culpa de quien? No se, la verdad no me importa. El hecho es que ellas permiten que las hagan quedar en ridiculo.

Un segmento que me entretiene demasiado es Estilo. Sale la presentadora y describi su vestuario de pies a cabeza, aumentando mi nivel de diversion y pena ajena.

Observar evidencia A: No se ni por donde empezar. Es una de las instancias de mi vida que observo una contradiccion tan absurdamente obvia: Estilo y botas-BLANCAS-puntudas con su respectiva arrogoya en la misma escena (Respire profundo). El vestido de satin de prostituta barata al lado del vestido de abuela? La verdad, no puedo con esto.

Evidencia B: Por amor a Dior, nunca repitan esta aborracion. Cualquier prenda que refleje un plastico metalico es un desacierto. Eviten semajente payasada. Segundo, faldas de jean, SUPERENLAS. Mejor esculquele a su novio/hermano/tio/papa/amigo un par de shorts.

Evidencia C: No se como explicar lo grave que es este estilo de blusa. Intentemos igual. Prendedores, conchas, piedras, diamantes,diamanticos, perlitas, grandes, chiquitas, brillantes y/u opacas utilizadas en una blusa es un crimen. Accesorios son necesarios, pero deben de ser integrados por uno mismo. Este look me susurra uno de mis mas grandes miedos: falta de expression y estilo. No lo haga.

La triste verdad es que podria seguir exponiendo evidencia de la tragedias que suceden cada dia a varias horas. Estoy exhausta. Estilo no se trata de algo prefabricado, ni mucho menos exhibiciones vulgares. Se trata de una expression intima de su esencia como persona de una manera autentica y genuina. Siempre imponiendo su propio estilo y tendencies, y no copiando ni siguiendolas.
Por ahora me despido. Piense en lo que te vayas a poner, pero no tanto, solo un poquito.                                                                                                                                                      

Heart Replacement


I'd rather have these. Lately my heart hasn't been functioning properly,I think these would be a better fit.

Note: this might be an abusion, but whatevs....Love them.


No matter how hard I try...


I was creepin...on Facebook...so ashamed* Shaking head. Tiss-tiss.
Whatever, no one can judge me cause we ALL do it.

Oh curiosity, you're a bitch. You lead me to findings that are unnecessary and torment my soul.

 A close friend got tagged in a picture. Naturally, I looked at it. Then, I proceeded to view the rest of the album. Turns out the album had an individual, who was related to another character, that lived with the sister, of a monster (bare with me). One click, two clicks, three clicks and I'm back 3 years ago. OMG, almost fell off my chair. Breathe.

As soon as I saw that first individual I knew. I knew I was going down the wrong path and it would ruin my day. It did. Why would I do that? Seriously. Dumbest.Thing.Ever.

I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. It has been useful and I really do keep connected. But it is also the main stage for infamous HORROR stories. I know everyone has one. The point of this blog is really nothing, more or less a vent. Five years later and FB still manages to kick me in the ass.


Full Circle

I admit, I really want the Blue Diamond print dress (saw a similar one downtown-won't say where unitl it's hanging in my closet), but the upscale vintage ambiance doesn't really appetize me. The essence of vintage shopping is deluded. However, can't hate on them for making a buck.



Not one to have girl crushes (besides Agnyess Deyn of course), but in this case, how can I not? Have always had an obsession with Japanese everything; this is my icing.

This tickled my fancy. A lot. Old Nike tee with glow-in-the-dark Thriller faces painted on (sorry for the pole, you get the idea). I want it. Will send the message in a bottle; so much more fun that way. Maybe I'll get it. :)

Say what you will but I love these. I will get them and I will rock them. So there. Ashish Buckle Woven Wedges. 

And just because it wouldn't be complete without her...


About you

Just in case I wasn't clear enough.
Always in our hearts.


A post like this one scares me because of its specificity. A moment, a place, a look, a feeling. Say such things are real enough to transform your life; then what? Do you abide or do you hide?

Some yell "RUN". Others whisper "careful". You might say "enjoy". I say nothing. The truth is that its all inside. The way I feel, its real and when expression is expected, it doesn't matter because its already known. This is my second conviction. I had a sign, a confirmation if you will and now I'm at ease.

Perhaps this might not make sense to you, but the intended eyes will decipher its meaning. Until then, I wait.

"All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope"-Alexandre Dumas Père


Positively Defining

Complete conviction: a rare occurance, but when it occurs, you know. Lately, I have had about two of these feelings. One of which will not be shared until there is a confirmation, the second I will disclose.

On the weekend I went to New York with my beautiful friends. We had a blast. Obviii, its NYC. What is it about that town (loose term) that captivates you entirely? Not sure, but what I am sure of is that I got to make my way down there.

Our trip was amazing. Not only because my friends are the best and NYC is the best playground, but because it defied so many elements. Can't really get into all the elements that we transgressed; might get myself in a wheee bit of trouble (insert giggle). My girl said "I won't be able to explain to my friends about this trip. How would I start?" Oh D, so true, so true.

What can be said is the conviction of knowing who you are, what you want and how you are going to go about getting it. The three of us at one point realized the importance of invoking our passions and desires. Telling the universe what is yours and finding your entitled place amoungst this crazy place.

theme song? maybe.



Lost in female captivity

My mind keeps playing tricks on me. At times it feels as tho I'm imagining things: people, places, events, touches...Could it be? No. Maybe? Shit. I hate this feeling. It has overpowered all of my thinking processes (all two of them). What is going on? change of frequencies perhaps. This is NOT like me.

On the weekend, I went to NYC (will share all about it later). Talking to my girls, I realized how much pressure we put on ourselves. For what? As if I need extra. I love being a girl but this over-thinking-analyzing-self-loathing crap can be eliminated. Do boys over think things like this? I doubt it. This is way too complicated for no good reason.

Love being a girl, except for right now. What ever happened to girl bands that fueled girl power? Actually, lets leave those in the past. Will listen to Gwen Stefani instead.


Patio Lovin

Sun is shinning, sangria's are stunning and my friends are happy. The first patio outing always makes my life a little better.

Sale el sol y todo se transforma. Se derrite todo lo que nos intenta opacar y guardar. Llega la hora. Ven a jugar.

Photos: Lauren Poon

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