
A Rule of Thumb

A closet will always let out its secrets...In this case, only the good kind.


Beauty's a Bitch

Beauty can be morbid. Its all about perception. Fixated on a ideal can torment your soul and existence.

 I have this joke with a friend, a really bad joke, about going on a less than healthy-hazardous-diet. I must confess we laugh about it all the time, but deep down inside we kinda wish we had the will power to deprive ourselves with the goal of looking like this ideal (see model above).

Recently, someone over heard our conversation, judged us and looked at us with a serious evil eye. Now, this might be an attempt to rid myself of any guilt and condemnation but come to think of it, my obsession with an accepted notion of beauty is banal.

This is my confession, hopefully I can surpass this. Feel free to elighten me with a deeper sense of beauty. For now, I'm gonna go watch America's Next Top Model.  


Chained to the earth

When the superficial wearies me, it wearies me so much that I need an abyss in order to rest. ~Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943

Earth hour. Just me, a candle and my thoughts. No distractions, except my own mind (fml). Enjoying this dark and solitude hour, more than I had expected. There should be more hours like this. Forced reflection while preserving the place I barely consider.

New ritual? I think so.


Breath, tap your third eye & relax

Looking back, I feel like I just slapped on my neon wrist band, watched the Mickey Mouse Club and listened to Alanis Morisette. Oh where have the days gone? seriously? Time flies without any discretion and belittling everything in its way.

Trying to understand the concept of time baffels my mind. An attempt to grasp this notion gives me vertigo. I am 26, going on 27 and I feel like I haven't accomplished enough.Time is going by way too fast. Oh my, starting to panic. Lately I have been forced to think of my life. My productivity level, friends, family, love and everything in between.

Despite my anxiety, I discovered  that I'm in a good place. Sure I am in the process of building my career, but its moving. I have a loving family, great friends and have made amazing new friends. So sure, I might be undergoing a stressful period. But it will pass. I have all these great loves to help me get by.



Dear Mamachila...

Dear mamchila,

These are some of the things I learned from you.

1. Red lips and red nails are an everyday thing.
2. Never leave the house without a pair of high heels. You never know who you might want to look at straight in the eye.
3. Fall is the best season to discover new shades; both inner and outter.
4. Before telling anyone anything about yourself, write it down. Birds eye view is best for contemplation.
5. Jewelry is better than most things.
6. A person's aroma will tell you what you need to know.
7. Love is for those who give love. Never stop loving.

Will never stop loving you.

Love, Me.  


Lost of Meaning

A friend got her heart broken. Bad. Not "Oh, give me a week or 3 and I'll be back" type of heartache. No, no. More like "God give me strength. In fact God, steal it from someone (preferbaly him) and give it to me" type of ache. You might know what I'm refering to. Hopefully you don't.

Sadness inundates and unable to see other realms of life, all meaning is lost. We place so much meaning on one aspect of life and invalidate the rest. We compare and everything else is meaningless. What does it mean to have meaning? Is there only one type of meaning? Sorry if this sounds depressing, I mean, it is. So exhausting.

Unable to give her a potion to relieve her sorrow, I restored to the next best thing. A bar. I skipped class  and now my head hurts. I dedicate this post to her, so she knows how much I love her. To all who are sad, embrace it. That way you can loose meaning of the situation sooner than later. I mean, things loose meaning when compared to other things. Know what I mean?

Note: today is a meaningless day


From digital to IRL

Personal brand this, personal brand that. Repeatedly I hear, "You got to BRAND yourself." So how do you brand yourself without  succombing to self mutilation? Well, what you really want is a digital mark. Only to be achieved by involvment with diverse digital communities.

Ok, but whats the deal with this world of digital communities? Sometimes I feel like I'm in a twilight zone, living in a world concocted by a geek-wizard finally taking revenge after years of IRL bullying. Who's petrified now? *Insert evil laugh

Really, who makes up these communities? Who's the gate keeper to all this chaos? I guess the intangible aspect of it has thrown me off (complemented by unorganized thought). That is until my fairy blog mother invited me to a #genyto event last friday. 

Bottle in hand, I ventured off to this IRL experience with my partner-in-crime. Yes we were a little hesitant at first but than it was nothing but good times.

What I learned is that digital communities are as real as flesh and bones. They breathe, drink, type and drink some more, just like me. What is required is initiative to get out there and explore. They're out there and its a stelar way to meet cool peeps who share common interests. Just another way to expand your network and increase your profile.

[Actually, what I really learned is that you can see males playing with their parts in mexican wrestling masks approximately every 25 minutes. HA, you want a community try this bad boy out.]



"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? "-Alice

Champagne, pâté, smiles and a D.J.
A world of my own.... with Johnny Depp.


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