If I won the lottery I would... ( transported myself to a luxurious and exotic world with endless possibilities).
Damn... I'm back. Wait, I don't even play the lottery.
I opened my eyes and realized that my only possibility is to finish the piles of work mounted in front of me. So I carry on to do what I do best: work.
I must of inherited it from my father, a relentless workaholic. Honestly, at several points in my life I resented the numerous abscences from birthdays and family sundays. But now, I get it.
Today to my surprise, Pras from the Fugees came to speak at my school . The core of his message: work diligently, in a disciplined manner and never stop. The result, one of the best Hip-Hop albums: The Score (amoungst many other accomplishments).
By 4pm I was sitting at a coffee shop working on a upcoming project when I see a great friend/photographer. We drank blueberry tea, laughed about our trips and than we started to talk about, whatelse,WORK.
Past work, current work, potential work and more work. Before we parted he quotes Pablo Picasso, "If inspiration exists, let it come to me while I work". Anything I want, I can get. Anything I imagine, I can make a reality. Anything I desire is mine, I just can't stop working.
Jessica at work= creatively employing my passions despite any blocks
*really loud noise
Valentine’s Day Photoshoot at Manor Loft
4 weeks ago